About us / Articles / Reasons to Visit Antarctica
7 December, 2022
Date publication

Reasons to Visit Antarctica

Visiting Antarctica is something in the back of every avid traveler's mind. Checking off all continents from your bucket list, seeing penguins and whales, following the footsteps of great explorers and becoming one yourself - these are just some of the things that make a trip to Antarctica so special.

With expedition cruising, Antarctica is no longer a distant dream. It becomes an inviting reality and one where you can enjoy it in an environmentally conscious way. Each expedition is unique because it follows the weather and ice conditions and takes advantage of spontaneous opportunities. You can also make your voyage as active as you want - indulge into kayaking, camping and hiking or stick to beach walks and Zodiac cruising.

This year, we had the privilege of welcoming Stephen Gollan, the Uncharted Backpacker, aboard one of our Antarctic cruises. He shares his list of reasons to visit Antarctica and explains why you should take the plunge and travel there sooner rather than later.