About us / Expedition team / ELOISA BERRIER

ELOISA BERRIER - Kayak Master & Biologist

Kayak Master & Biologist

Her love for the sea and animals led Eloisa to move to Patagonia more than 20 years ago. There she graduated as a marine biologist and collaborated on several research projects.

In sea-kayaking she found the perfect combination of movement and nature – the perfect way to explore, travel and discover new places. Eloisa has been guiding kayaking expeditions in Greenland and Patagonia for 11 years. Today she alternates seasons in the Arctic, Patagonia and Antarctica as a sea-kayak guide and instructor, teaching courses at different levels.

Today she is the first female Level-4 sea-kayak instructor of the American Canoe Association in Latin America. She feels privileged and grateful to be able to do what she loves and to share her passion with many people...

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